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How To Store Your Rooftop Tent Properly

You have just invested in a rooftop for your camping expedition, and you are probably wondering how and where you can safely store your roof tent. You are at the right place because, in this article, we will answer all your questions regarding rooftop tents and how you can store your rooftop tent properly.

As we all know, rooftop tents are a big investment, and after every camping season, you will be required to keep your investment safe so that when another camping season comes, you will still be able to go back to that rooftop that you have kept secured and use like you’ve only just bought it. 


The simple truth is that just like your regular camping tents and gears, your rooftop tent can also get damaged due to poor maintenance. While some damages can the repaired, others can’t. Instead, you will have no option but to buy another rooftop tent!

And considering how big of an investment rooftop tent is enough reason why you need to know how and why you should keep your rooftop safe when they are not in use.

So, without wasting time, here are four creative methods to safely store your RoofTop tent until you’re ready to camp again.


Method 1: Leaving it on The Car

This might sound a little unconventional, but it works great, too, especially if you have a small storage space in your apartment and you can’t afford to store your roof net there. Also, if you live where water abounds, it will be advisable to store the roof nest on your car. 

Typically, there are two rooftop tents: hard shell and soft shell rooftop tents. If you own a hard shell tent, we recommend leaving it in your car because these types of rooftop tents are fitted with ABS fiberglass shells and other features which make it possible for them to withstand everything the harsh weather throws at them. 


However, storing your roof nest on your car also has its disadvantages. For a start, most rooftops are very heavy. On average, they weigh about 60kg to 80kg! So, when you drive around with your rooftop tend on your car, your car will consume more fuel than usual!

Also, a heavy rooftop tent tends to reduce the stability of your car whenever you are driving. And when it happens, you run the risk of causing an accident, or you can completely break your car down (your car frame and suspension will suffer the most).


But notwithstanding, your car remains one of the best and most easily accessible places where you can store your tent as long as you keep an eye on it so that you can take it off if you notice that it’s beginning to affect your vehicle!


 Method 2: Placing it up Against the Wall:

Assuming you can’t afford to place the tent in your car or on a platform close to the ground, you should consider placing it up against the wall. Usually, this method is the last resort if other options are not viable. Nonetheless, this method works just as great as others. However, to prevent the tent from tipping over after placing it up against the wall, you should prioritize buying ties (string, rope, or cord) to resist. 

Also, if you have decided to use this method, make sure you buy a queen-sized bag to keep the roof tent in, then seal the end by taping them together. After doing this, place the tent on a raised platform so it won’t be allowed to touch the ground.


Method 3: Placing it on a Raised Platform

As far as rooftop storage methods go, placing the tent on a raised platform on the ground is considered the easiest method so far. Not only this, but this method will also save a lot of money.

Basically, this method entails placing the tent down on a raised pallet to keep it away from touching the ground. 

However, there are some things you need to put into consideration before using this storage method.


First and foremost, you need to ensure that the raised pallet/platform is not in an open place. This will go a long way in preventing the tend from suffering preventable damages.

In addition, you need to place the tend in a queen-sized bag to prevent it from getting infested with all kinds of pests and wild animals.


Also, to prevent the tent from getting affected by moisture and dampness, you need to ensure that the platform you place the tent on is very far from the ground.

One disadvantage of this method is that it takes most parts of your storage space. So therefore, you need to ensure that you have abundant storage space before you use this method.


Method 4: Storing it in Your Garage Ceiling

The last method we will share with you is this simple yet effective storage technique. This method involves using a pulley system (either manual or automatic pulley) to Lift the tent from the back of your car and place it up on your garage ceiling. And when it is time to go camping again, that same pulley will lower the roof tent directly into the back of your vehicle! This method, by a landslide, is the easiest and safest method of storing your rooftop tent. 


However, this system is not something you can build all by yourself; you will need to call for the service of a handyman to help you build this pulley system because if there is an error in the setup, your rooftop can fall and collapse on your car. Talk about a double loss. And since you already know how heavy some of these rooftops are, they will easily damage your car.

Aside from the fact that this method is the safest and easiest, it is also the best for the rooftop because it keeps moisture away. Plus, you won’t be exposed to all kinds of insects and dust. One disadvantage, though, is that building a pulley system in your garage may be a little bit expensive. 



Now that you know how to keep your rooftop tent safe from harm’s way, including the pros and cons of each storage technique, there is nothing else out there that should dissuade you from owning your rooftop tent.




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