roof tent camping

How to Camp Responsibly

Heading out on a group camping trip resonates with happy vibes for outdoor lovers worldwide. Fresh air, carefree time chilling by a mesmerizing campfire, and open-air adventures aplenty! Still, every decent camper recognizes the importance of how to camp responsibly. It could mean the difference between a fantastic camping experience and misery.

Roof Top Tents offers 10 important tips to help you, your friends, and family camp safely and soak up the finest Mother Nature has to offer.

  1. Read and comprehend campground or park guidelines prior to your trip. Share rules and protocols with others so everyone can respect and abide by them. There is nothing worse than, for example, bringing along the family dog only to discover your campsite does not accept pets.
  2. Teach your kids all about water safety before heading to a lakeside campsite. Ensure you have enough Personal Floatation Devices for every family member if venturing out on the water. In addition, it’s ideal that at least one camper holds a CPR certification—it could save a life.
  3. As witnessed on recent news programs, wildfires are devastating to humans, nature, and wildlife. Confirm the person responsible for building and extinguishing the campfire knows how to do so safely. Furthermore, clear the area around your campsite of flammable materials and never leave a fire unattended. It also pays not to burn if winds are high and ensure smokers dispose of cigarettes carefully.
  4. Pack a First Aid Kit with all the essentials. You can purchase one or put one together yourself. Accidents happen and having the proper First Aid items handy, in addition to pain medication, could be a lifesaver for you or a fellow camper.
  5. Always offer your trip details to a trusted friend or relative. He or she should be advised the date you leave and when you plan to arrive back home. It is also a good idea to give him or her a way of contacting you in the event of an emergency. This should provide the peace of mind you need to enjoy your trip away to the fullest.
  6. Research all the facilities that are or are not available at your destination and pack accordingly. For instance, if you assume the snack bar is open but it’s been closed, you may find yourself short on food supplies.
  7. Sometimes campers are so excited about the vacation they forget about other important items that may be required. In the case of a breakdown, you don’t want to be caught unprepared. Bring along proper tools and repair kits so fixing a leaky mattress won’t be an issue.
  8. Never assume you can cook over an open fire while camping. Fire restrictions may be enforced at any time. Bring a camp stove (and fuel) in case. Also be a good neighbour and share your camp stove for the inevitable beginner camper who utterly forgot to pack one.
  9. Reduce your impact on the environment by maintaining a respectful distance from wildlife, avoid using detergents and soaps within a few hundred feet of water, and take out what you take in—leave your campsite as tidy and clean as it was upon your arrival for newcomers to appreciate.
  10. Finally, camping responsibly has a whole new meaning with COVID-19 in the air. Be informed regarding social distancing rules and respect them. This is a stressful time for business owners attempting to implement countless new rules. Pack plenty of hand sanitizer, masks, and towels to keep clean, protected, and respectful of other campers.

Emphatically, you can never be too prepared to head out and camp responsibly. Planning and preparing for your next excursion only makes it more blissful, relaxing and playing in the beautiful outdoors.

Our Roof Top Tents make getting the whole family ready just that much easier! To learn more about Roof Top Tents, please visit our website at Looking to set-up an appointment to explore our options at Roof Top Tents? Email

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