family camping trips

Family Camping: Our Top Tips For Camping With Kids

It is not a secret that kids love toys and cool gadgets, but you know what else kids want? They want to spend quality time with their parents or guardians.

Let’s assume you always work around the hours and rarely have time off your work. There is a high chance that you will struggle to get involved in your children’s lives.

And as they often say, parents are child’s first teachers because cool toys and gadgets won’t show or tell them how the world works; only their parents and guardians can.

So therefore, as a parent, you need to devise new ways to build a strong relationship with your children because that is the only way the bond within the family can be strengthened.

And one of the ways you can spend quality time with your kids is through camping. This is because recent studies have shown that camping with the kids or as a whole family can help strengthen the family bond.

So, in this article, we will share tips that will make camping with your kids a success.

Fully Stocked First Aid Kit

This is just as important as your food and water. Kids love to play around a lot, and they can get hurt when they do. And since you are out in the wood camping, checking in into a hospital to treat their injuries may be impossible. A typical Adventure Medical Kits should contain bandages, cotton wool, gauzes, antiseptic wipes, etc.

Also, if you have kids allergic to a thing or two, you should include their treatments in the first aid box. Again, you do not need to buy a full first aid kit. It is something you can make all on your own. All you have to do is enter a drug store, explain your situation to them, and have them pick the kinds of stuff you will need while camping.

You should also bring Afterbite (should your kid get bitten by insects), Benedryl, Neosporin, etc.

Mosquito Control

Mosquito is not a friend of anyone! They suck your blood and spread diseases just the same way they would do to your kids. And as we all know, mosquito causes malaria, and malaria is responsible for the death of over 70,000 death in 2021 alone (kids and adult alike).

Although you may be under the impression that your immune system can withstand mosquito bites and malaria, your kid’s immune system should behave like this. That is where you are wrong. Little children are not like adults. They are more prone to mosquito bites than adults. And as a good parent who only wants to spend quality time with the kids, you won’t want mosquitoes to derail that.

Hence, you must find ways to prevent mosquitoes from biting your kids. And how do you do that? First and foremost, you need to find a campsite, not beside stagnant water. You should also carry a natural mosquito repellent spray and s mosquito repellent band. And lastly, take with you a thermacell mosquito repellent lantern.



Keep sunburns away from your kids by bringing them their favorite sunscreen. We said favorite sunscreen here because we know kids can sometimes be picky. If you have more than one kid, make sure you know and buy their favorite sunscreen before you depart for the camping expedition.

Extra Snacks

Kids love Snacks, sometimes even more than food. When it is not launched or dinner, give them snacks to quench their hunger.

Worth pointing out that having extra snacks will go a long way in not only keeping their hunger in check but also reducing whatever tantrums they want to throw. We call it a stress reliever.

Pack Extra Blanket

“More is good, less is bad” Should always ring in your head whenever you are camping with the kids. Unlike adults, this is because their wants and needs can never be measured. For example, you need to pack Extra snacks, food, water, blankets, etc.

Whatever the weather condition is, don’t let that dissuade you from packing extra blankets because you never know when you will need them.

Also, you will need the extra blanket to cover the table and make a clean spot on the camping ground so the kids can play and even rest.

Lanterns And Flashlight

Going camping means moving away from a constant supply of electricity. Often at times, you will be required to use your lanterns and flashlights in the dark to see. If you or your kids are also fans of flashlight tags, you should take more than one flashlight to the camp.

Camp Food

Camp Foods are sometimes different from the regular food you eat at home. For example, you won’t want to give your kids food that will make them purge incessantly. Plus, you won’t have the same luxury you have in your kitchen at home as the one you will have in your campground. Therefore, you need to find a good camp Food recipe to make camping with the kids an unforgettable experience.


You also need to bring along toilet rolls, Hand sanitizer, your kid’s toothpaste, toothbrushes, Antiseptic cream, etc. Basically, anything to make the camping feel just like home.



Bonding with your children is vital because it will not only help their development but will also help them in how they look and see life.

Therefore, camping with them is one way to make a serious connection with your children as it would bring a new form of experience to them, one they will cherish forever.


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