s you read this article, you’ll discover expert tips for rooftop tent camping. Whether you're a seasoned outdoor enthusiast or a newcomer to rooftop tent camping,

Top Tips For Rooftop Tent Camping

If you’re like most people reading this, then you already know that rooftop tent camping is a great experience. After all, there aren’t that many activities that can compete with the allure it provides.

With rooftop tent camping, you can enjoy gazing at the vast canopy of stars, feeling the gentle breeze rustling the leaves, and listening to the distant calls of nature lulling you to sleep – all without sacrificing your safety or convenience. This is what rooftop tent camping has in store for brave adventurers like you.

You know this much already, but you don’t know that there are ways to take your camping experience from good to amazing in a matter of moments. These methods will not only help you stay safer and more convenient, but they will also skyrocket your rooftop tent camping experience.

In this guide, we’ll unravel these methods. As you read this article, you’ll discover expert tips for rooftop tent camping. Whether you’re a seasoned outdoor enthusiast or a newcomer to rooftop tent camping, these tips will help you maximize the experience.

Let’s get into it.


Choose The Perfect Roof Top Tent

This should go without saying, but the first tip to ensuring an enjoyable rooftop tent camping experience is selecting the best rooftop tent. By this, we don’t mean you should go into the shop and purchase the most expensive tent you can find.

Rather, the idea is to buy a rooftop tent suitable for your vehicle. That is, getting a tent that your car can support and buying roof bars that are compatible with said tent.


Level Your Vehicle

When diving into the world of rooftop canopies and open skies supported by your vehicle, it’s common sense to leave the vehicle parked on level ground. The reason is simple. Rooftop tent camping has you using your vehicle as a foundation for your tent. As a result, when your car is parked on uneven ground, you’ll likely meet yourself rolling out of bed at night.

So, no matter how alluring a spot you find, parking there is bad if the ground is not even. Find somewhere else to park your vehicle, or use leveling blocks to keep it firm and steady.


Don’t Forget Your Beddings

First, if you’re going on a rooftop tent camping trip, you must let go of the idea that “camping should be tough.” Don’t think for one second that camping out means you should suffer or at least make yourself uncomfortable. You should enjoy every bit of the experience from start to finish.

If you’re going on a rooftop tent camping trip, bringing your bedding along is completely fine – we recommend it. Bringing your pillows and duvet along for the trip will help you feel more comfortable and warmer and even help you sleep better at night. Moreover, these things don’t require extra space, as they’re stored within your rooftop tent.


Maximize Your Roof Top Tent Lighting

When camping out in the elements, you’d be doing yourself a disservice to have little to no lighting in and around your rooftop tent camp. Why? While your home is constantly brimming with power and lit up every second of every day, the outdoor world is quite different.

There is no electricity, and the only form of natural light you have is the sun. But then, what happens when night comes? What do you do when you need to go pee or handle some other business at night? Lack of proper lighting can leave you missing a ladder step, thus plummeting to the cold, hard, and quite possibly rocky ground.

To avoid such a situation, you should approach a professional and purchase solar or LED lighting equipment recommended for outdoor camping.


Dry Your Roof Top Tent

As we all know, rooftop tents are designed to keep rain and morning dew out. So, you might wonder, ” Why do I need to dry my rooftop tent?”. When your rooftop tent is wet, packing it as it is will lead to many problems.

The first problem is that the tent is going to mold. This not only messes up the design and appearance of the roof top tent but also degrades the material it’s made of, thus reducing the tent’s life expectancy. The second problem is that packing up your wet rooftop tent also means packing up your bedding that is stored inside it. This traps said beddings with moisture and dampness, which can destroy the beddings before long.

So, do not pack up your rooftop tent when wet. However, if you must pack it, set it up again later so it can dry out thoroughly.


Allow Ventilation

Being outdoors doesn’t mean the laws of physics cease to operate. So, when you close up your tent and its ventilation points, best believe your tent will be hot.

To avoid this camping hiccup, you should try as much as possible to keep your rooftop tent’s windows and doors unzipped or rolled up. This allows air to flow freely and without interruption, thus keeping your tent at just the right temperature you can enjoy.



Rooftop tent camping is a wonderful experience, but it has the potential to be so much more than that. When you choose a suitable tent, bring your bedding along, deal with dampness, and follow our other tips for rooftop tent camping, you can level up your camping experience. 

Contact us at Rooftoptents.ca to shop our variety of quality rooftop tents. 

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