clean your clothes

The Best Ways to Clean Your Clothes While Camping

Camping disconnects us from civilization and technology to experience nature at its fullest.

However, nature in all its glory isn’t always as ‘immaculate’ as it seems. In fact, when you go on an adventure to experience nature, you’ll come across many things that’ll leave your clothes in a not so clean state.

So, you can’t experience nature without getting a little dirt on you. At the same time, you know you have to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.

To sum it up, you want to camp and experience nature in all its glory whilst keeping your clothes clean and tidy.

There are various ways for you to clean your clothes in the woods or in camping areas. Read this article to find out!

Quick Wash Fabric

Carry clothes that are light and easy to wash. Goes without saying that the clothes should also be quick and easy to dry.

This often means using fabrics made from Nylon, Polyester, and Merino wool. The reason for this is that they absorb moisture in small quantities and as such, are easy to wash and even quick to dry.

Before you start washing, it’s first vital to locate a water source. Rivers, streams, and lakes are good sources of water for just the occasion.

When washing, though, it’s advisable to use only eco-friendly agents so that you won’t contaminate the water. Biodegradable agents like soaps, cleansers, and bleach should not come in contact with natural water sources. The last thing you want to do is contaminate the drinking source for animals and other people camping around the area.


Foldable Water Basin

These are bucket-like equipment that can be used to wash and fetch water from rivers and streams. Our foldable water basin makes it easy to store and transport water anywhere.

This basin can withstand water temperatures of about 90⁰c and weighs about 50 to 60 grams. This means it’s an easy-to-carry medium that’s perfect for storing cold and hot water.

The basin also has strong handles, allowing you to transport up to 10 to 20 liters of water without ripping.

You can hand wash your clothes inside these buckets, then create a zip line or place clothes on open ground where they can come in contact with direct sunlight. Shop our quality and affordable water basins here.

Dry Bags

This equipment makes it easy to hand-wash clothes. It is a simple piece of equipment that keeps your belongings clean and away from rain, snow, mud, and sand.

Dry bags are made from quality materials that are lightweight yet strong and able to withstand extreme conditions. And because of their strength, it is almost impossible for them to rip, tear, or puncture.

The highlight of Dry bags, though is their multifunctional feature. Asides from keeping clothes, you can also use them to wash clothes on your camping adventures.

What’s more is that these bags come in different sizes including 5L,15L, 20L, and 30L. So, you have your pick of the litter.

Dry bags are an essential part of your camping gear that you don’t want to miss out on. With a dry bag, you can not only keep your clothes safe, but you can also wash dirty ones.

Purchase our quality dry bags of different sizes here.

Dry-Washing With Towels

Another effective way to clean clothes while camping is using a dry towel. To perform dry washing, lay the towel flat and put one article of clothing on top; roll up the towel tightly and squeeze while rolling.

Keep in mind that you must separate light and dark clothes or clothes with multiple colours so that they don’t get mixed up.


River Rock Washing And Bat Board Washing

River rock washing is an ancient method of washing that has existed as far back as the 14th and 16th centuries. It’s an unconventional washing process that involves slamming clothes on hard rocks.

Even though this method is obsolete, it is still an effective way of laundering clothes, and is still being practiced in many parts of the world.

River rock washing is performed by soaking clothes in water and slamming said clothes on a rock’s surface to wash stains and sweat off the cloth.

Another ancient method of washing is Bat Board washing. Bat is a flat surfaced wood used to beat clothes to purge stains and other impurities from them. It is similar to River Rock washing, but bats are used to beat on clothes instead of rocks.

Bat washing can be carried out by placing clothes on flat surfaces like tablets or rocks and then beating extensively on the cloth with a bat.



Being well-equipped cannot be overemphasised, as you’ll face various challenges when spending time away from civilization.

In the wild, there is no machinery or electronics like washing machines, electric irons, and stoves. Neither is there electricity to operate heavy machinery. So, most times, campers must use what they have or can find to survive.

At Rooftop Tents, we sell quality and affordable camping accessories to make your camping adventure more efficient and enjoyable. Shop them here.


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