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The Top 6 Best Ways How To Get Electricity When Camping/Overlanding In A Roof Tent

Embarking on a rooftop camping adventure in the vast Canadian wilderness demands more than just a sturdy tent and breathtaking views—it calls for a reliable power source.

In this guide, we’ll unveil the top six ways to electrify your rooftop haven, ensuring your gadgets stay charged, lights stay on, and comfort remains uninterrupted.

From harnessing the sun’s rays to embracing the windswept whispers and tapping into your trusty four-wheeled companion, our exploration of electricity in the Great White North promises a unique blend of practicality and eco-friendly ingenuity.

Solar Power

Unlike their southern counterparts, Canadian campers need to be a bit strategic about solar. The shorter daylight hours and potentially cloudy skies demand careful consideration. Monocrystalline panels, known for their higher efficiency, are particularly recommended for capturing every precious photon. For extended stays or powering heavier appliances, choosing larger panels (100 watts +) with expandable systems ensures sufficient juice. But remember, size isn’t everything! Think lightweight and portability, especially if you’re trekking into remote wilderness.

With proper panel selection and positioning, bask in the satisfaction of charging your gadgets directly from the sun. Imagine waking up to a fully charged phone for capturing breathtaking sunrise vistas or powering a mini fridge to keep your provisions fresh amidst the Canadian wilderness. Solar might not run your coffee maker every morning, but for essential needs and creature comforts, it’s a clean and dependable companion on your rooftop oasis.

Portable Power Stations

Imagine a solar-powered piggy bank that stores sunbeams for later. That’s what portable power stations do, acting as your reliable energy reservoir in the great outdoors. These compact powerhouses pack a punch, holding enough juice to run LED lights, charge laptops, and even power smaller appliances like fans or blenders.

Choosing the right power station depends on your energy appetite. Lithium-ion batteries, the undisputed champions of the pack, offer impressive capacity, fast charging times, and lightweight portability. While their price tag might sting, their longevity and efficiency make them a worthwhile investment for frequent adventurers. Lead-acid batteries, on the other hand, are the budget-friendly option, though they tend to be heavier and have slower charging.

No matter your choice, consider two key aspects: capacity and charging options. Match the station’s capacity to your average daily energy needs, factoring in the number of devices and their usage duration. For longer trips or unpredictable weather, opt for power stations with multiple charging options – solar input, car charging ports, and AC wall outlets – to ensure you’re never caught battery-empty. With a trusty power station at your side, the Canadian wilderness won’t just be a scenic backdrop, it’ll be your very own energy playground.

Wind Power

The windswept plains and mountain passes of Canada hold another potential power source: the wind. While not as reliable as sunshine, wind turbines can tap into this free resource, offering a whisper of power as you drift off to sleep. However, unlike the readily available sun, wind availability in Canada can be fickle. Research average wind speeds in your planned camping locations and remember, these turbines aren’t silent partners. Their gentle whirring might lull you to sleep, but for light sleepers, it might not be the right lullaby.

But for those looking for an eco-friendly, supplemental power source, wind turbines offer a charming option. Imagine your roof tent swaying gently in the breeze, a small turbine perched above, turning the wind’s whispers into a trickle of electricity. It might not run your hair dryer, but it could top off your phone or power a string of fairy lights for a magical starry-night ambiance. While not a standalone solution, wind turbines add a touch of adventure and self-sufficiency to your off-grid experience, reminding you that nature itself can be your power source.

Vehicle Power

Your trusty four-wheeled companion isn’t just a way to get you to the wilderness; it can also be your off-grid energy lifeline. Connecting your roof tent to your car battery through a voltage converter offers a convenient and familiar power source for short-term needs. Imagine plugging in your phone for a quick charge before heading out on a morning hike, or powering a small reading lamp for cozy evenings inside your rooftop haven.

However, remember this is a temporary solution. Car batteries aren’t designed for sustained draining, and relying solely on them can leave you stranded. Here’s the key: moderation. Use vehicle power for quick boosts or low-demand appliances. For extended stays or heavier energy needs, look to solar or portable power stations. And always monitor your car battery voltage to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

But there’s another benefit to vehicle power: peace of mind. Knowing you have a backup readily available in case your primary sources dip low can be a stress reliever, especially in remote areas. So, pack your converter, be mindful of usage, and enjoy the comfort of knowing your car can offer a helping hand when it comes to powering your Canadian roof tent adventure.

Generator Power

Sometimes, the Canadian wilderness throws epic adventures your way, complete with epic power demands. Think chilly nights requiring space heaters, stargazing sessions lit by powerful telescopes, or whipping up hot meals with blenders. In these situations, generators step in as the muscle on the team, offering enough oomph to tackle those high-energy needs.

But remember, generators come with trade-offs. They tend to be noisy, bulky, and emit fumes, not exactly the recipe for a serene wilderness experience. Plus, fuel adds another weight and cost factor to your packing list. So, consider generators as a backup option for specific needs, not your primary power source. If you do go this route, choose fuel-efficient models, be mindful of noise regulations, and prioritize responsible fuel disposal.

Think of them as the heavy artillery for specific battles, not the everyday infantry. When the Canadian wilderness demands more power than your usual solar setup can handle, a well-chosen and responsibly used generator can ensure your comfort and safety, without sacrificing the magic of the great outdoors.

Hybrid Power System

Just like mixing ingredients to create a delicious dish, the true magic of off-grid power lies in the art of hybrid systems. Imagine this: solar panels gather sunbeams throughout the day, filling your portable power station like a battery bank. Meanwhile, a gentle breeze spins your wind turbine, adding a trickle of energy to the mix. In the evening, you connect your roof tent to your car battery for a quick boost as you fire up your laptop.

This isn’t just a power play; it’s a dance of adaptability and resilience. Each source complements the other, ensuring you have the right tool for the job, no matter the weather or your current energy demands. By strategically combining solar, portable power stations, and even occasional dips into vehicle or generator power, you create a robust system that flexes with your needs and the whims of the Canadian wilderness.

So, don’t get stuck in a single-source rut. Embrace the hybrid approach, experiment with different combinations, and discover the joy of building an off-grid power system that’s as unique and adventurous as your Canadian roof tent journey itself.


From harnessing the sun’s kiss to tapping into the wind’s whispers and beyond, you have a range of options to power up your Canadian roof tent adventure. Mix and match solar, portable batteries, and strategic car dips for a system as adaptable as the wilderness itself.

Explore sustainable gear and expert tips at Roof Top Tents, your gateway to unforgettable, powered-up Canadian adventures. Visit the website and plan your epic escape today.

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